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Rationality analysis of glass bottle layout

Rationality analysis of glass bottle layout glass bottle packaging has experienced long-term development in china. However, as an insider, there are still many unreasonable factors from the distribution of glass bottle enterprises. Of course, the distribution of glass bottle manufacturers is highly dependent on raw soda ash, quartz and fuel coal, so it is necessary to choose a place where these minerals are relatively concentrated. However, considering the construction of the plant only from the perspective of raw materials, we believe that this has not met the needs of the current market development.

At present, domestic glass bottle enterprises are mainly concentrated in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Henan. Nearly 70% of domestic glass bottle enterprises, large and small, are concentrated here. However, no matter from the domestic demand of glass bottles or the foreign trade market of glass bottles, this is unreasonable in the spatial layout. In terms of the domestic market, cosmetics manufacturers are concentrated in the southeast coastal areas of Guangdong and Zhejiang, but cosmetics glass bottle manufacturers are less distributed in these areas. Baijiu enterprises are concentrated in Guizhou, Sichuan and other places, but a large number of liquor glass bottle manufacturers are concentrated in the north. These local manufacturers need to spend a lot of transportation costs to purchase glass bottles, and the procurement process is also very inconvenient. From the perspective of foreign trade, the closer the manufacturer is to the main ports in the eastern region, the more beneficial it will be to transportation and other links.

It is hoped that domestic glass bottle manufacturers can see the shortcomings of the current layout and make up for this defect by establishing branches, so as to make the domestic glass bottle layout more uniform and reasonable.